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NexusTours equips travel Agents with enhanced Partner Portal ahead of IPW

May 6, 2024

NexusTours – the premier DMC serving Caribbean, Central America and North America as part of GoNexus Group – is delighted to unveil an enhanced Travel Partner Portal designed specifically for travel agents that seeks to revolutionize the travel industry through providing enhanced support and access to global experiences for them. This strategic initiative comes just ahead of IPW Los Angeles happening May 3rd-7th.
NexusTours has long been committed to enriching travel agent experiences by offering mobility solutions and experiences from over 140 countries around the globe; providing over 92,000 experiences; over 30 Mobility options; and 100,000 car rentals through its Travel Partner Portal. As part of this ambitious plan, its Global Marketplace was seamlessly integrated with its Travel Partner Portal for travel agencies to access. Providing travel agencies access to this innovative technological platform amplifying partner capabilities with mobility options for mobility solutions as well as curate experiences which span 140+ countries; over 9200 Experiences available with mobility options amplifying partners’ capabilities by access to its portfolio amplifying partner capabilities with mobility options amplifying capacities & more!
NexusTours has also implemented enhancements tailored to meet the changing needs of travel professionals through their travel agent portal, serving as the only DMC offering this level of support. Since introducing its enhanced Travel Agent Support seven days a week from 7 AM until midnight offering seamless assistance with inquiries, bookings and modifications; since its inception four months ago this center has successfully handled thousands of inquiries and bookings with impressive improvements seen in response time, satisfaction ratings registration data as well as sales metrics.
Ruben Gutierrez, President of GoNexus Group stated:”We’re thrilled to launch our Travel Agent Strategy which highlights our dedication to supporting travel professionals and improving their ability to offer exceptional client experiences. Through increased support and global experiences we know our partners will be better equipped than ever to compete successfully in today’s rapidly-evolving travel landscape – at NexusTours we remain dedicated to growth and excellence within this sector”.
GoNexus Group is an innovative experience and mobility travel group with more than two decades of experience, comprising three acclaimed brands:

Nexus Tours,a leading Destination Management Company (DMC); Nexus Cube,an innovative experiences and mobility marketplace; and Nexus Lab a dedicated hub of innovation that drives cutting-edge advancements in travel experiences through product creation, consultancy services and technological solutions are just three companies working under Nexus Tours umbrella.

Operating across 140 countries and 6,600 destinations, this company provides an expansive menu of services: including 30,000 mobility solutions, 92,000 unique experiences and 100,000 car rental solutions.
GoNexus Group serves the travel needs of over 3 million travellers annually through collaborations with more than 1,000 B2B travel partners worldwide, cementing its position as an industry-leader.
GoNexus Group stands ready to lead in shaping the future of travel through innovation and service excellence, guided by their dedication to offering remarkable travel experiences worldwide. Window.onload = function()WARNING! Window on load for PHP5 fails as below
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