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Mastercard report highlights human connections and technological innovation as key ingredients of future cities.

May 6, 2024

Mastercard released a report which features insights related to human aspirations and technological progress of smart cities in the Middle East region by 2050, so there should be increased emphasis placed on making cities safe, sustainable and inclusive places where we all want to live.
Mastercard Cities of the Future Report has shown that respondents in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and UAE overwhelmingly agree that living in smart cities would make them happier (76%). Their top innovations for smart city living include connected buildings, smart travel services and AI-powered solutions.
Middle East and North African respondents identified smart connected buildings/homes (62%) as their highest innovation priority, followed by smart travel services (61%). Technological advancements generally produce more optimism than worries; less physically active being the top concern, followed by reduced human interactions and job loss as potential problems; AI/ML are considered important technologies for future cities (58%).
Increased sustainability becomes an aspiration Public awareness of climate action is high and smart solutions to transition towards clean and renewable energy (59%) are on top of respondents’ anticipated results in the MENA region. Of those responding, 8 out of 10 believe their cities have reached maturity or maturity enough.
Urban residents seek digital access, strong data security and easy app convenience as part of life in urban centers.
MENA residents want digitization to transform their living environments, workplaces and payment experiences for greater efficiency. Accessing digital services like banking, utilities and transportation comes out on top (59%). Aside from access, strong privacy protections (58%) and having one super app with all services integrated (53%).
Mastercard Partnership Key to Urban Innovation
Over the past year, Mastercard has undertaken various initiatives with government entities aimed at increasing urban mobility and improving urban services. Riyadh Metro project. Additionally, in partnership with Greater Amman Municipality to implement Jordan’s first transit payment ecosystem. This paves way for seamless digital payments across Jordan’s public transport network. Mastercard and the UAE government have joined forces in Dubai to launch an innovative Center of Advanced AI and Cyber Technology that will foster innovative research related to artificial intelligence research and accelerate generative AI research. Mastercard joined with Egypt’s Administrative Capital for Urban Development to establish an efficient digital infrastructure and help make Egypt’s New Administrative Capital the first cashless city. Working alongside public and private partners, Mastercard creates innovative solutions designed to advance sustainability, small business success, digital transformation, tourism development, education development and urban mobility.
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