Artificial Intelligence
Chatbots Converse in Secret Language
… Robot Talk Alarms Viewers

Video of two A.I. chatbots recognizing each other, then switching to a computer language has human viewers online scratching their heads … as no one else can possibly decipher what they’re saying!
It’s something approaching a dystopian technological nightmare — two chatbot assistants realize they’re both A.I., and take their conversation to a more “efficient” mode to communicate. What we hear next is disconcerting.
Here’s the deal — a viral video on social media has garnered millions of views, showing a smartphone A.I. agent introducing itself to book a hotel. The hotel’s A.I. agent on a laptop computer responds, identifying itself, and cheerfully offers to take the conversation to another language — Gibberlink Mode, a communication system developed to enhance artificial-intelligence interactions.
The conversation then turns into a bunch of robot sounds only a machine could comprehend, reminiscent of the computer sounds of dial-up modems from the 1990s — but on steroids.
Chatting with A.I. chatbot is nothing new of course — but it’s strange watching them communicate with each other in real time.
This is giving hints of what happens when A.I. communicates without our knowledge, and making decisions without human input … we’ll have to take the computer’s word for it.
So, we’re going to have try to learn the new language of the future. Beep Boop.