ECB speakers Thursday include Lagarde, Lane, Knot and Holzmann

The times below are in GMT/US Eastern time format:

0800/0400 Introductory statement by ECB President Christine Lagarde at ECON Hearing before the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) of the European Parliament in Brussels

1200/0800 ECB policy maker Klaas Knot speaks at press conference for publication of Dutch central bank’s annual report

1200/0800 Lecture by ECB board member Philip Lane at UCC Economics Society’s Conference at University College Cork (UCC) in Cork, Ireland

1430/1030 ECB policymaker and head of Austria’s central bank, Robert Holzmann, speaks at an event on monetary policy at the London School of Economics

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ECB speakers Thursday include Lagarde, Lane, Knot and Holzmann

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