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According to one New York courtroom judge presiding over the trial of a gunsmith - - some New York courts don't recognize or support the Second Amendment at all, according to one judge presiding over said trial -

May 4, 2024

One judge from New York courtroom presiding over the trial of gunsmith claims the Second Amendment “doesn’t exist”.

New York City, NY- Dexter Taylor of Brooklyn was recently found guilty on 13 weapons-related charges after his arrest for gunsmithing charges on March 22, 2022.
(Article by Sarah Akey from According to RedState, Taylor developed his hobby several years ago: gunsmithing. His ultimate plan is to turn this pastime into an enterprise business venture. Taylor was quickly derailed when ATF and NYPD task forces discovered she was illegally purchasing parts from various companies – leading them to launch an open investigation which eventually culminated with SWAT raiding Taylor’s residence and leading to her arrest. Taylor was found guilty of six charges: prohibition on unfinished frames or receivers, unlawful possession of pistol ammunition, five counts of criminal possession of a firearm without certificates registrations being in order, four counts of third degree criminal possession a weapon possession; second degree firearm possession (5 or more firearms); and two counts of second degree illegal weapon possession with one being loaded weapon. Two lesser charges had previously been dropped. Taylor’s case could become a landmark one for Second Amendment advocates–in an unfavorable light. Taylor’s lawyer Vinoo Varghese noted evidence early in trial showing bias towards Taylor as part of its prosecution strategy. Judge Abena Darkeh took over this case from two previous presiding judges who presided over it prior to her arrival. When Varghese made his opening statement, Judge Darkeh repeatedly interrupted and advised his defense not to refer back to the Second Amendment in their statements or proceedings. “Do not bring the Second Amendment into this courtroom – it doesn’t exist here – into debate here in New York”, declared Judge Andrew Gardephe. On April 23rd, social media post featuring an image and statement by Judge Valerie Caproni had over 642,000 views, leaving commenters perplexed and unsettled by such thought process that should cause alarm among Americans of every stripe. This should make us all shudder with fear for America’s future! Constitutional rights exist and belong in every courtroom throughout this nation; to disregard them is irresponsible and anti-American. Unfortunately, as Taylor’s trial progressed so did bias towards her. Varghese attempted to derail the prosecution’s narrative of Taylor as dangerous by asserting in his opening statement: ‘there is no crime here nor allegations of violence.” “Varghese said his client only hope for success was through jury nullification,” RedState reported. Jury nullification is legal; however, Judge Darkeh attempted to close down his argument and convince the jurors they would face consequences if they did not vote to convict Taylor. “I actually argued for jury nullification because of some law from the High Court of New York which addresses lawyers making jury nullification arguments and, more generally, judges shouldn’t actively encourage it but are powerless against its happening. Varghese approached Judge Darkeh directly with an attempt at nullification; she, of course, denied it and concluded by basically telling them they must vote guilty without explicitly telling them so. “That said,” Varghese continued. Varghese noted that Judge Darkeh was “the most aggressive prosecutor” but, nonetheless, Taylor was taken into custody on April 16, having been found guilty on all but two charges; he’s being held at Rikers Island until sentencing takes place; 10-18 years is expected for him as punishment; this case won’t end there though: Varghese and Taylor plan to appeal their conviction all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court: Varghese told Read all about it now

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