This Biohybrid Robot Hand Can Win Rock, Paper, Scissors – Provided You Play Paper

This Biohybrid Robot Hand Can Win Rock, Paper, Scissors – Provided You Play Paper

A robot hand powered by lab-grown muscles is challenging you to a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors – do you accept? Here’s hoping you choose rock, because a new remarkable biohybrid has just perfected the scissors sign thanks to multiple muscle tissue actuators (MuMuTAs) that are bringing us closer to larger biohybrid limbs (and in […]

3 top tips to consider for building a second income in retirement!

3 top tips to consider for building a second income in retirement!

Image source: Getty Images There are plenty of ways that investors can target a second income in retirement. Some methods may be more successful than others. There’s also no blueprint for investors to follow, as the strategies someone adopts will depend on their individual circumstances, financial goals and risk tolerance. That said, certain ‘golden rules’ […]

Good News, Folks! Your Flow Playlist Is Working

Good News, Folks! Your Flow Playlist Is Working

Listening to the right tune can get our hairs standing on end thanks to “frisson”, but can it move us to focus more on something we’re working on? Flow playlists are all over streaming platforms like Spotify, and now new research has backed up their efficacy as a study tool. The study set out to […]

Two Jurassic Fossils Could Be The Earliest True Birds Ever Found

Two Jurassic Fossils Could Be The Earliest True Birds Ever Found

Two fossils suggest that birds were thriving and diversifying in China as the Jurassic Period closed, new research reveals. Given the contentiousness of avian origins, however, the debate may have a fair way to run. Early bird evolution is shrouded in mystery partly because their thin bones fossilize badly, but also because there’s room for […]

Here’s the dividend forecast on Vodafone shares through to 2027!

Here’s the dividend forecast on Vodafone shares through to 2027!

Image source: Getty Images Last spring, Vodafone (LSE:VOD) bowed to what many considered to be inevitable and cut the dividend on its shares. The FTSE 100 firm announced plans to cut the annual dividend for this financial year (to March 2025) by a whopping 50%. It said the decision to rebase cash rewards “at a […]

What Is The Most Intelligent Fish In The Sea?

What Is The Most Intelligent Fish In The Sea?

Fish are often held up as the poster child for poor memory, and yet some fish have passed the mirror test – something that’s considered the benchmark for self-awareness. It seems we’ve been a bit quick to assume their smarts, so who is the brainiest fish swimming in the brine? What is the most intelligent […]