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banning TikTok simply because it is owned by Chinese entities is about as ridiculous as banning Frosted Flakes because they contain ingredients deemed harmful for health by

May 6, 2024

Banning TikTok simply because its Chinese ownership makes it “spy app” would be as absurd as banning Frosted Flakes on health grounds due to their Chinese origins.

Have you heard the term, “head fake?” It refers to an act in basketball of moving one’s head deliberately in such a manner as to mislead an opponent about one’s intended direction or move. On Wall Street, “head faking” typically involves sudden spikes or decreases in stock price or performance that quickly returns in another direction; similarly for illegal government surveillance of Americans via TikTok app – so nobody notices all social media platforms and smart devices are secretly spying apparatuses belonging to Bidensurgency!
Simply add TikTok to the extensive “PRISM” system of Big Brother surveillance that Edward Snowden revealed years ago.
Anyone who believes the government spies on its citizens is engaging in their own massive conspiracy. TikTok is just one part of an extensive, corrupt system where every smart device, security camera, social media platform, email, text and phone call could potentially be “used against you” under police state conditions by agencies like FBI or DHS if desired. Just recently, Washington DC communists expanded and reauthorized Big Brother police-state surveillance operations under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act; therefore making any movement to ban TikTok seem hollow and pointless. If you can no longer see the forest for the trees, that could mean either your eyes are closed, or too much brain-damage has occurred from recent blood-clot injections, fluoridated water supply and canola oil usage – human knowledge is under attack! Governments and powerful corporations are employing censorship techniques to erase humanity’s knowledge base concerning nutrition, herbs, self-reliance, natural immunity, food production and preparedness – amongst many other topics. At we use AI technology to preserve human knowledge while simultaneously creating infrastructure of freedom for humanity. Speak freely without being subject to censorship on Brighteon’s new decentralized blockchain-powered platform or explore our free downloadable AI tools at Brighteon.AI! can be an important ally in building human freedom: Shop lab-tested organic foods and nutritional solutions at HealthRangerStore, including lab-tested certified organic alternatives with non-GMO certification as well as lab tested lab tested products from lab tested organic certified sources – or just continue browsing TikTok and continue your efforts of convincing Americans of Chinese spying despite Dementia Joe remaining on it despite trying to convince Americans it should be discontinued immediately due to Chinese influence operations! What about those Chinese spy balloons which keep flying overhead taking pictures and videos of American military bases? Consider all of the Chinese military-aged men currently illegally crossing our southern border through Bidensurgency Program – this may well be one way of combatting an attempt by Communist China to overrun America by banning one app! How about arresting Zuckerberg of Fakebook or War-inciting Soros? Isn’t Barack Obama really at the helm, or did Biden give away control to Obama when no one was looking? Will mortgages and home ownership in America soon be illegal, since Chinese investors own 18% of U.S. mortgage-backed securities?
China was responsible for nearly 50% of US mortgage-backed securities at the peak of 2008 when U.S. real estate values plummeted 50%; they still own 18% today. MBSs (mortgage-backed securities) allow investors to capitalize on mortgage business through debt instruments backed by assets. Are we still supposed to worry that China owns partial ownership of TikTok, another absurd, sophomoric social media app in which celebrities share which Starbucks they visited for an iced caramel macchiato today? Should home ownership in America be banned because Communist Chinese have some sort of control over us? No. That is simply another scare tactic to fool you and distract people. Bookmark for truth news regarding abortion, suicide and mental health horror stories that are currently censored from mainstream media while you read. Our sources for this article include

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