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Wiley Uncovers Over 11,000 Fraudulent "Peer Reviewed" Papers on Cutting-Edge Science Published as Cutting Edge Science |

June 5, 2024

SCIENCE CLOWNS: Wiley shut down over 11,000 fraudulent, “peer reviewed” papers it previously published as cutting-edge science research and was misrepresenting as such.

John Wiley & Sons, an academic publisher, is retracting over 11,300 peer-reviewed science papers that they had published previously. These publications once considered cutting-edge science research by academic researchers; now being exposed as fraudulent by John Wiley as they rely on taxpayer funding.
Furthermore, this 217-year-old publisher announced the closure of 19 journals due to widespread research fraud. Fake papers written using AI often contained nonsensical phrases designed to avoid plagiarism detection; examples included breast cancer being called bosom peril and fluid dynamics being written as “gooey stream.” In one paper “artificial intelligence” was even called “counterfeit consciousness.” Such systemic issues of fraud have severely undermined scientific research credibility as well as journal integrity – with scientists resorting to fraudulent uses of artificial intelligence within papers while academic publishing industry worth nearly $30 billion faces credibility crisis due scientists cutting corners by cutting corners via fraudulent uses of AI within articles published within papers or cutting corners by taking shortcuts using it improperly when conducting scientific studies using this field of publication industry value due scientists resorting use of artificial intelligence as shortcuts using it fraudulently to get around plagiarism detection software detection systems like this one!
Scientists worldwide face incredible pressure to publish as the success of their careers is often judged by peer-reviewed publications. Furthermore, researchers may cut corners using irrelevant references or artificial intelligence tools when looking for funds or funding opportunities. Scientific papers must acknowledge original research that provided them with their source materials; however, some papers use irrelevant references simply to appear credible and make the paper look legitimate. Researchers often depend on AI to generate references; unfortunately, many of them either don’t exist or do not pertain to their paper at hand. One group of retractions involved studies registered to universities in China even though few, if any, of their authors resided there. Human knowledge is under attack! Governments and powerful corporations have used censorship as an instrument of control in an attempt to eradicate humanity’s knowledge base about nutrition, herbs, self-reliance, natural immunity, food production and preparedness – among many other topics. provides decentralized blockchain-based free speech platforms uncensored by any government and offers free generative AI tools available at Brighteon.AI for download. Assist HealthRangerStore in creating the infrastructure necessary for human freedom by shopping our selection of lab-tested, certified organic foods and nutritional solutions as well as generator AI used to detect any instances of plagiarism throughout scientific papers published today. Fraudulent papers often feature technical-sounding passages crafted using AI that appear midway through their papers to fool peer review processes into not spotting anything suspicious. So-called tortured AI phrases replace real terms from original research to avoid plagiarism detection by screening tools. Guillaume Cabanac, a computer science researcher at Universiteite Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier in France has devised an automated tool to identify such issues. “Problematic Paper Screener” is an application which searches a large body of published literature – approximately 130 million papers — for various red flags such as tortured phrases. Cabanac and his colleagues discovered that researchers who wish to evade plagiarism detectors often replace key scientific terms with synonyms generated automatically text generators, rather than risk plagiarism detection systems. “Generative AI has given these authors an easy path around detection systems,” noted Eggleton from IOP Publishing. They can produce these papers at scale while detection mechanisms haven’t caught up yet – an ongoing challenge I only see growing.” Approximately one percent of published scientific papers originate in computers today.
Recently, researchers at University College London determined that one per cent of scientific articles published last year – about 60,000 papers – were written entirely or partly by computers; for certain sectors this constitutes 1 out of every 5 papers produced electronically. As one recent paper in Surfaces and Interfaces from Elsevier revealed, one possible approach could include offering “an introduction for your topic here:”. Researchers are employing AI chat bots and large language models (LLM) without even considering what text will be published by them; an edit would reveal this phrase is written by a computer. Researchers, peer reviewers and publishers appear unaware of basic misnomers generated by artificial intelligence (AI), leading many experts to suspect their research papers have been created by computers rather than human authors. Scientific Integrity Consultant Elisabeth Bik has explained that LLMs are designed to generate text but cannot produce factually accurate ideas. According to Bik, these tools “aren’t yet good enough yet for trust”, something she refers to as hallucination. Bik asserted that LLMs “make stuff up.” Blind trust in artificial intelligence is undermining science papers’ integrity and necessitates strong reasoning and discernment skills to navigate untrustworthy, misconstruing, bloviating AI large language models such as for reference sources.

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