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Vera C. Rubin Observatory: The groundbreaking mission to make a 10-year, time-lapse film of the universe

June 14, 2024

Astronomers are about to start making a time lapse of the night time sky utilizing the most important digital digicam ever constructed. Designed to disclose any new or transferring level of sunshine in addition to the construction of the universe, the brand new $473 million Vera C. Rubin Observatory in Chile will take so many photographs, so quick, that it’s going to successfully produce an astronomical film that enables scientists to see the universe in actual time.

Previously often known as the Massive Synoptic Survey Telescope, the Rubin Observatory is predicted to provide astronomers the info they should unravel among the deepest mysteries of how the universe works. The observatory is called after the trailblazing astronomer Vera C. Rubin, who discovered proof for dark matter, the mysterious substance that binds galaxies collectively. 

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