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VAX-INDUCED CANCER: Uncommon turbo cancers are accelerating in a lot youthful folks, so medical doctors and the company media blame all of it on Covid, not Covid vaccines –

June 15, 2024

VAX-INDUCED CANCER: Uncommon turbo cancers are accelerating in a lot youthful folks, so medical doctors and the company media blame all of it on Covid, not Covid vaccines

New analysis reveals that dormant most cancers cells are reawakening and rising at a speedy price, even in younger folks, on account of continual and extreme irritation within the physique. Covid vaccinations contain tricking human cells into producing tens of millions of virus-mimicking protein prions that journey all through your entire physique, coming into cleaning organs and even the mind, inflicting continual irritation that exacerbates ailments and problems, together with most cancers. Who knew?

You do not have to be a scientist, physician or immunologist to see what’s occurring right here. You will not must make some big leap to attach these “dots,” and as an increasing number of younger individuals who had been injected with mRNA “know-how” now get “uncommon” cancers that often solely the aged get, a lot consideration on this enviornment is warranted.

Spike proteins are meals for most cancers, which suggests everybody who received a Covid mRNA jab has tens of millions of cancer-feeding “protein” particles inside their physique

Medical medical doctors throughout America are shocked by the skyrocketing rates of people getting cancer, and people dying from it, ever for the reason that plandemic started. Many are attempting guilty Covid itself, as a result of the virus causes irritation, however the query is, for the way lengthy does that irritation final?

We already know that “Long Covid” actually means long-term unwanted effects from the Covid “clot shot” vaccines, so might it’s that the spiked most cancers charges are coming from one thing that causes CHRONIC irritation? This requires cautious consideration.

Lab checks reveal that coronavirus proteins can “reawaken dormant most cancers cells and gasoline their development,” however since mRNA “know-how” has the injected individual’s cells creating spike proteins that unfold all through the physique, together with to breasts, the abdomen and all through the vascular system, this perpetually irritation might simply result in the proliferation of most cancers cells.

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In different phrases, the mRNA gene remedy jabs actually flip human cells into cancer-food-making machines that preserve churning out most cancers meals and spreading it all through the physique. Meaning every new mRNA jab the injected “sheeple” receives exacerbates most cancers cells and tumors as a result of it doubles down on the quantity of “protein prions” the most cancers desires to devour, like spreading sugar all around the home when you have already got an ant drawback.

The brand new vax-induced most cancers pandemic is almost certainly attributable to mRNA “know-how”

Docs around the globe at the moment are blown away by the most cancers pandemic sweeping the globe, ever for the reason that rollout of the mRNA jabs. No person is allowed to speak about it. If medical doctors a lot as point out the vaccines because the perpetrator, they’ll lose their medical license. The Biden Regime, working in tandem with Huge Pharma and the Vaccine Industrial Advanced, won’t hesitate to raid a health care provider’s medical workplace and drag them off to the DC gulags, ought to they a lot as problem the “security and efficacy” lie.

Now “uncommon and strange cancers” are rising as commonplace, and in sufferers who do not match the invoice. We’re speaking about younger folks and folks with out ANY household historical past of most cancers, all of the sudden having 8-pound cancer tumors of their stomach, ovaries, breasts, liver, kidneys, colon, you title it. It is known as Turbo Most cancers and it is not some conspiracy concept, it is actual. It is spike protein most cancers. It is mRNA-induced most cancers from soiled vaccines. It is occurring now.

Children and teenagers are getting most cancers that usually solely impacts seniors, like cholangio-carcinoma, and so they don’t have any genetic predispositions. Some sufferers, in accordance with their medical doctors, have a complete array of various sorts of cancers that each one popped up out of nowhere, for the reason that scamdemic started. Covid-19, we came upon, was nothing extra harmful than the seasonal flu, so guilty that for all these most cancers instances appears obtuse.

5 Details about Covid-19 “vaccines” it’s possible you’ll not know

#1. Your reprogrammed cells do not stop making spike proteins, counter to what most medical “consultants” declare.

#2. The injection substances do not stay on the website of injection, they unfold all through the physique, together with into cleaning organs, ovaries and the mind.

#3. Spike proteins idiot your physique into pondering they ARE the virus, so your physique continuously thinks it’s underneath assault from international invaders.

#4. Having tens of millions of imitation virus prions all through the vascular system causes continual irritation, one of many most important catapults of most cancers.

#5. Spike proteins clog the vascular system, limiting the quantity of vitamins and oxygen that is delivered all through the physique, thus enabling most cancers to develop and unfold.

Knowledge now reveals that for the reason that Covid mRNA “vaccine” rollout, most cancers incidence is up by over 200,000 instances, with about half of these folks dying from most cancers. That is a 20 p.c uptick in most cancers instances that will have NOT existed had these people by no means accepted the experimental Fauci Flu shots. Are you able to say “2 million extra deaths” with out coughing into your face diaper?

Be careful. There’s extra mRNA to come back, and that is for positive. Bookmark to your favourite impartial web sites for updates on Long-Vax-Syndrome and Vax-Induced-Cancer that is sweeping the nation and the world as you learn this.

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