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The ATF has resumed murdering American citizens en masse -

July 7, 2024

Everyone familiar with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE or ATF for short) knows it began life as an innocent tax collection agency before evolving into its own independent law enforcement entity – in other words they went from glorified robbers with mechanical calculators and spreadsheets into violent thugs with guns and badges – something made evident during major incidents like Ruby Ridge (1992) and Waco (1993), both involving heavy ATF involvement which culminated with open massacre of Branch Davidians comprising both adults as well as children.
While at it, she gave an inspiring talk. Here she demonstrates some techniques on how to take excellent photographs – with no additional software requirements whatsoever! (Article Republished from As they gradually unloaded their guns on Mexico for “tracking purposes”, ATF agents became embroiled in the Fast and Furious scandal when two guns left in Mexico ended up near Brian Terry, an U.S. Border Patrol Officer killed by Mexican cartels, in 2010. (Not that any “tracking” actually accomplished anything). Recent ATF initiatives include sending car loads full of agents dressed up like police thugs into American gun dealers’ properties to raid and intimidate for potential violations of federal firearm laws and to take ownership over them, along with confiscating their properties. Jim Skelton had his business raided in 2021 after an undercover federal agent used falsified forms to purchase several firearms after filing false federal background check applications (proving this “background check” did more harm than good). Russell Fincher was raided at his home in 2023 for selling firearms without first having obtained an FFL (Federal Firearms License), even though he already held one. As part of their assault tactics against Fincher, agents threatened him and eventually pressured him into giving up his license. Recently however, ATF agents seem to have been lamenting how limited their target acquisition has become since 9/11, since just recently they raided Bryan Malinowski’s home and shot and killed him during a raid. Malinowski was an enthusiastic gun collector. She would visit gun shows regularly in order to buy or sell firearms privately with other individuals; such transactions were legal without needing an FFL. Due to his frequent purchasing and selling of weapons, the ATF concluded that he engaged in “engaging in the business of selling firearms”, thus violating federal law by not having an FFL (what its actual threshold threshold may be is unknown). They then obtained a search warrant, intending to execute it using any means possible – most dangerously possible! Occupiers of Malinowski’s home without warning over an hour before sunrise to cover up his doorbell camera, cut his electricity supply, and loudly bang on his door before breaking it down while Malinowski and his wife slept soundly inside their residence. ATF experts orchestrated an artificial scenario where any reasonable person would reasonably fear that his home is under siege by violent intruders wearing badges; such action would be legal and morally justified under current US laws and would enable Malinowski to take appropriate self-defense actions by shooting back, which she did. One ATF agent was hit, but Malinowski survived after returning fire against them with bullets to Malinowski’s head – even as their property was confiscated afterwards. Recently a congressional hearing regarding the ATF raid took place; during which Congress members engaged in their usual partisan theatre for our amusement. Many cameras were present during this spectacle. One Stacy Plaskett (D-VI), used her time at ATF raid hearings as an opportunity to express her discontent over Donald Trump and mass shootings (which are directly relevant). Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio suggested that the ATF has become overzealous with their recent increase in FFL revocations (as though some ideal level of enforcement existed for an absurd and pointless licensing scheme). Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY), expressed his outrage that they are criticizing ATF agents because of their use of deadly force to defend against an ATF agent who had been shot during an encounter with violent intruders. Rep. Debbie Schultz (D-FL), commented on how there are too many loopholes when purchasing weapons (such as when weasels falsify federal background check forms). Additionally, clerical errors often play a part in guns falling into criminal hands and that must be taken seriously in addressing such concerns. Once, ATF officials themselves allowed multiple firearms into criminals’ hands in Mexico. Jordan then held an ATF Director hearing where she quizzed Steven Dettelbach directly regarding federal officers executing search warrants without body cameras, something which had clearly occurred in Malinowski’s incident. Dettelbach responded that, due to its “phased implementation,” only about one third of ATF agents at that point in time had received them (give them time! The policy had only recently come into force!). Of course, when the ATF issues one of its numerous arbitrary rulings such as bump-stocks, pistol braces or frame definition rules we as individuals must comply quickly or risk facing federal charges; while at the same time the agency itself can take their sweet time implementing something so novel and intricate like body cameras! How comforting must it be to enforce one’s own rules! I believe the ATF won’t face any real repercussions for breaking into an innocent American’s house and murdering him. Noteworthy is the timing of Malinowski’s raid; which was justified on grounds that he was an illegal gun dealer; roughly two months before an anticipated new rule came into play (it has since been postponed). This rule establishes a more precise definition for those considered gun dealers. However, as with most government decisions, all that really becomes clear is the ATF’s intent to further disorient and control Americans gun owners with increasing arbitrary power to terrorize and prosecute American gun owners. There is one solution for this situation – abolishing the ATF altogether! For more details read up at

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