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Scientists could lastly be near explaining unusual radio indicators from past the Milky Means

June 18, 2024

Quick radio bursts (FRBs) are intense, short-lived blasts of radio waves hailing from past the Milky Way that may emit the identical quantity of power in simply thousandths of a second that the solar takes three days to emit.

Nonetheless, regardless of their energy and the truth that round 10,000 FRBs might erupt within the sky over Earth daily, these blasts of radiowaves stay mysterious. One of many greatest puzzles surrounding FRBs is why most flash as soon as after which disappear whereas a tiny minority (lower than 3 p.c) repeat the flash. This has led scientists on a quest to find the mechanisms that launch FRBs. Some even consider completely different celestial objects can produce each repeating and non-repeating FRBs.

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