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Really Bad Day (RBD) Activities - Pages 2/3

September 6, 2024

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Joined January 4, 2020 5:13 PM; Posts: 941 Re: Really Bad Day Activities,
As reported by RetireIn2020 on Wed September 4th 2024 at 1:12, I wrote below for her reply and that can be seen here as follows. For your information: By now it should have passed in some capacity as promised as shown here by retireIn2020 on September 4th at 12am
Baconavocado wrote: Since I anticipate more volatility over the next 2-3 months, I’ve set aside funds in preparation of Roth conversion if needed – today was no different in either respect!

Roth conversions do not require having cash on hand as part of your strategy. My last Roth conversion took place at the end of 2022 when I converted some total stock market funds from my tIRA into my Roth. By paying less in taxes to complete that conversion compared with its value today. Converting it all back into cash would not gain you anything; you just might miss out on potential gain’s if your prediction of volatility proves inaccurate! Keeping some savings set aside should act as either an emergency fund, or for those that believe they can time the market correctly! Cash on sidelines may serve two important purposes depending on personal situations: emergency fund in such as case of emergencies or for timing markets a strategy can prove extremely effective!

Cash stashed away should only be used in an emergency to cover large falls in the stock market – not for Roth conversion.

Are You Timing the Market Or Asset Allocating? According to your post on Bogleheads’ Taylor Quotes wiki page: So attempting to time the market sounds interesting but can prove challenging as market values rise while your money remains on “sidelines”. Consequently I suggest researching Market Timing and Asset Allocation before you make any decisions regarding investing. For additional reading regarding both topics visit these two Bogleheads pages for guidance: Taylor quotes and Asset_allocation respectively on Bogleheads’ pages as bogleheads provides resources: Taylor Quotes https://bogleheads… asset_allocation

Merriam-Webster provides more details here about Abide ( which was also mentioned as well 9boy9.

Joined on Tuesday May 16, 2023 1:23 PM Posts: 161 | Joined in September 2019

Wed September 4th 9AM at Well9boy9 >> Re: Really Bad Day (RBD) Activities Post by Well9Boy9, Wed Sep 4th 2024 9:04 am, At. RetireIn2020 wrote on September 4, 2024 around 12.47 am EST >>. WASH ING
baconavocado wrote: As I anticipate more volatility over the coming 2-3 months, I have put some money aside in an emergency fund as a hedge. Today was uneventful though!

Roth conversions don’t require having cash on hand in order to take place; my last conversion took place at the end of 2022 when I moved some total stock market funds from my tIRA into my Roth. What’s important here is that tax costs for that transaction were much lower compared to what they cost now; you don’t gain anything by first turning it into cash before doing the conversion; all it does is deny any potential gain! Keeping cash aside typically serves as emergency fund or when trying to time the market more accurately!

Holding cash as reserves should only be done during extreme market downturns; not for Roth conversion.

I think they were talking about keeping money set aside to pay Roth conversion taxes in case there are penalties involved with conversion.


Posts: 161
Post by well9boy9 on Sep 4, 2024 at 9 am.
Calculate what you lost today on Recession Bump Day (RBD). Use that figure as your maximum budget when car shopping – see what kind of wheels can fit within that amount! And do enjoy today’s headline; isn’t that sensationalist?!

Today I could have easily purchased a 98K car.

Wow! Congratulations on having at least $5 Million invested.

Start out your meal off right by pairing bacon with avocado.

Joined Oct 13 2017 3:03 PM. Topic(s): 842. Re: RBD Activities.
Under retirementIn2020’s thread for September 4, 2024 dated November 16th 2024 at 1:12 am by baconavocado and 1247am by retireIn2040 respectively (via reddit), retireIn2020 wrote “Tommorow 12pm (EST).”
baconavocado wrote: |Tue Sep 3, 2024 at 10:55 pm
In anticipation of potential market instability over the coming 2-3 months, I have put some cash away in reserve as well as readying my Roth conversion account so I can take full advantage of opportunities that arise – yet today proved nothing special!

Roth conversions do not require having cash on hand in order to take place, though having such may help ease the process. My last conversion took place at the end of 2022 when I transferred some total stock market funds from my tIRA into my Roth. What makes that conversion important is that it cost less in tax to complete than its value today compared to having converted directly from cash; there’s nothing gained in doing so and all you miss out on in terms of potential gain! Emergency savings funds or cash held aside should always remain accessible; cash reserves should always remain accessible if necessary for market timing purposes or emergency purposes should an unexpected event take place!

Cash stashed away should only be used in an emergency and for Roth conversion, not other purposes.

Oh no! Are You Timing the Market or Allocating Assets to Avoid Losses? Are You Time Timing the Market Or Allocating Assets against Risks? To try and understand more of what Market Timing and Asset Allocation involve a suitable reading list might help:… ing_quotes

Rebalancing my portfolio accounts for about one percent.

Clever Username.

Joined: Saturday July 15, 2012 12:24 am
Join Date / Join Points (Right Now: 2121, Join Time (RTN: 1224am, Joined Date/PTII = July 15 2012, 12:24am and Joining Location = California, Ref# RBD Activities (Inc).
Clever_Username has posted the following announcement on Wednesday September 4th 2024 11:49 am by livesoft: Wed, Sep 4, 2024 1:23 AM (UTC).
An RBD activity involves posting about it.

My second-favorite RBD activity is writing; only second to having an adult beverage to relax with and watch this all go away is it my favorite way of pass time!

While many may look forward to this, others might experience reservations or disillusionment with how things turn out for them. Luckily for these latter groups, however, the next few decades promise much-needed respite when their time of need arrives – and at an extremely attractive cost too!
“What was true then remains true now: Make a plan. Follow through.” — XXXX, Layer Cake_ | My motto for my first downturn has become this signature line from me:
Celia: 19319 Members, 17319 Posts Joined Since March 2009, 6:32 AM in SoCal | Celia Wed Sep 4 2024 1150 AM (POST 17329) By celia: On Tuesday September 3 2024 245 PM Hot Sauce wrote |Tue September 3 2024 2 45 PM|
“Stock markets experience their worst day since August”

Worse yet this month is that stock exchanges refused to open on Monday! Additionally, most workers didn’t go into work either!!! Our nation must be disintegrating!!!
TimeLord can now track any time zone changes — making our life much simpler!

Posts: 12264 Joined on Fri Jul 26, 2013 2:05 pm as Re: Really Bad Day Activities [RBD].
TimeLord for Tuesday September 4th 12pm onward.
My ideal day after RBDs is sipping my coffee while counting up how many mutual fund shares were added overnight, although my portfolio management style may vary according to personal circumstance. *This forum really needs a coffee cup emoji!

Investment should be about creating the life you envision for yourself rather than trying to avoid what lies in the shadows. | Run! You Clever Boy! [9085] iceport

Joined: Saturday April 7th 2007 4:29pm Formed a Group at: “RLBD Activities
mes Wed September 4th 2024 1221pm.
Note my signature. Always worked well for me.

Oh I agree – My definition of an RBD is any time anyone succumbs to Livesoft’s market timing scheme and falls for its false hope of making profits through market timing.

“Discipline matters more than allocation.” |–| William Bernstein said it best when talking about finance: If anything can make you certain about anything in finance, that could indicate an error on your part.” dvvader

Posts: 293 Its
Join Date/Time: November 22, 2019 6:07pm Posted Content (RGBD Activities, Really Bad Day (RBD), RBD Activities etc…) by Dvvader in Discussion on Wednesday September 4, 2024 3:33 PM.
Calculate what you lost during this year’s RBD and use that amount as your maximum budget when shopping for “fun cars.” What kind of wheels could be available?! And don’t forget the sensationalist headline!

Today I could have obtained the car.

Excellent budget car! Well into Corvette territory!

Bogleheads(r) emphasize regular savings, wide diversification and sticking with one’s investment plan regardless of market fluctuations. dvvader

Joined: Fri Nov 22, 2019 6:07 pm
Re: Really Bad Day (RBD) Activities dvvader’s post from Wednesday September 4th 2024 was moved here
Calculate what money was lost today through RBD, then go car shopping using that amount as your maximum budget – what kind of wheels could be possible?!

Excellent Car! A Bummer! LOL
Bogleheads(r) emphasize the value of regular saving, broad diversification, and sticking with one’s investment plan regardless of market fluctuations.
Doom&Gloom scenarios could arise for various reasons and it would likely result in financial hardship for many households in Doom&Gloom scenarios.

Posts: 5648 Joined on Thu May 8, 2014 3:36 pm, last post by Doom&Gloom at Wed Sep 4, 2024 4:19 pm (GMT+0).
Clever_Username wrote: I assume one RBD activity would include posting about it online.

My go-to activity during RBDs is drinking something (alcoholic or otherwise) while waiting for all this chaos to pass over.

An RBD calls for a Really Big Drink! (J. Lawrence of Suburbia).

Posts: 851
Joined on August 8, 2022, 12:04 am
For Really Bad Day Activities (RBDs)… Post Here for details!
Lawrence of Suburbia posted his article below at 7:46 am on September 4, 2024.
As seen from an S&P 500 chart over the last week, this “really bad day” seems unnerving. Zoom out year-to-date though and its significance becomes less obvious; yet we remain unsleepful here in Suburbia! Please God no more charts like 1929-1934 appear… If that should ever come about then my goose would truly be cooked…


Posts: 19067
Joined on Thur Aug 18 2011 8:09pm (EST).

By RKHusky on September 6th 2024 at 11am. (LiveSoft wrote 8th Sept at 8pm and RK Husky posted this).
From my stocks app’s perspective, the VTI index had reached similar levels on July 8th, 18th, 31st and 15th – hopefully all were backing up their truck on those dates as well!

VTI had its lowest daily close on August 5, 2024 – closing at around $255.20 after trading lower during that day – before climbing by 6.7% by today’s close.

Yes, had you purchased VTI at its current price on July 31st you likely wouldn’t have been satisfied by what happened just days later. Wonder whether those who stocked up today will feel similarly next week.

Are You Happy or Are You Sad Today?

TomatoTomahto is an amazing combo.

No. of Posts: 18007 Date of Joinance: Monday April 11th 2011, 1:48 PM Topic of Discussion : RBD Activities (Monthly Update).
By TomatoTomahto >> Fri Sep 6 2024 11 14 am

mes rkhusky wrote on Tue September 3 2024 8 21 21 Livesoft wrote that Tues September 3rd 8 11 17 WASH was written at 8 02 pm with Tomato Tomahto’s message on it as follows.
Looking at my stocks app, VTI was at roughly the same level on 7/8, 7/18, 7/31 and 8/15; hopefully everyone was filling their trucks on those days too!

VTI experienced its most recent Return-Bear Day on August 5, 2024 when it closed at approximately $255.20 after trading lower throughout that day. Today’s close is up 6.7% over its predecessor price.

Yes, had you loaded up on VTI on July 31 when its price was approximately equal to its current one, you might not have been pleased when looking back several days later. Wonder if those who bought extra today will feel differently next week.

Who’s happy and who’s sad today?

Today has been an exceptional day. I just bought myself an elliptical machine to replace the 26 year-old one which finally let go – though some may argue this means an increase in net worth 😀

I understand only part of FIRE.

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