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Popcorn Was As soon as Banned in US Film Theaters Due to the Crunchy Noise?

June 2, 2024

Popcorn was once banned in film theaters due to the noise individuals made after they ate it.


What’s True

Many early film theaters didn’t enable their patrons to eat snacks like popcorn through the exhibits …

What’s False

… however whereas noise was an element, it was under no circumstances the one one. The ban on snacks was a results of film theaters’ try to recreate the rarefied environment of dwell theater, opera or ballet, as they sought to draw a prosperous, cultivated viewers.

A viral Reddit submit from early 2017 claimed that popcorn was once banned in (presumably U.S.) Twenties film theaters due to the crunchy noise individuals make after they eat it:

The submit had gained 6,300 upvotes and 228 feedback as of this writing.

Whereas popcorn is now related to film theaters, it’s true that early cinemas within the U.S. prohibited their patrons from consuming the snack throughout dwell exhibits. The noise wasn’t the one purpose, nevertheless, which is why now we have rated the declare a combination of true and false.

A Pastime for the Wealthy

Early film theaters confirmed silent films, which required the viewers to know learn how to learn. On the time, the cinema was novel sufficient that film theaters tried to show this type of leisure right into a marker of exclusivity, one thing the rich and educated would have entry to, very like dwell theater, the opera or the ballet. The primary film theaters had been luxurious. They included wealthy decors, heavy velvet curtains, comfy, elegant seats. Snacks had been incompatible with such environments as they offered a distraction from the present. That is in response to Andrew Smith, creator of the ebook “Popped Culture: A Social History of Popcorn in America.”

Issues modified when films become talkies, starting in 1927 with “The Jazz Singer.” Sound opened up movies to a lot broader audiences, which exploded with the Nice Melancholy, when cinema turned an reasonably priced supply of amusement. However as the films grew in recognition, individuals started to smuggle snacks into theaters — popcorn amongst them. Popcorn had turn out to be wildly widespread, because of how straightforward and enjoyable it was to make, in addition to to how low-cost it was to purchase. Popcorn distributors would submit themselves exterior theaters and promote baggage to moviegoers previous to the exhibits. Theater brokers would generally ask patrons to go away their popcorn baggage at coat checks.

Finally, nevertheless, movie show operators realized they could enhance their income by taking concessions inside. According to Smith, it was a powerful success, because the theaters that offered snacks survived the Nice Melancholy whereas people who refused tended to not make it via the disaster. He mentioned that by 1945, greater than half of the popcorn consumed within the U.S. was eaten in film theaters. In truth, in 2009, Time journal reported that film theaters made 85% of their profits from concessions


Friedman, Rachel. ‘A Historical past of Film Theater Snacks in America’. Bon Appétit, 20 Feb. 2013,

Journal, Smithsonian, and Natasha Geiling. ‘Why Do We Eat Popcorn on the Films?’ Smithsonian Journal, Accessed 30 Could 2024.

Nowak, Claire. ‘Film Theaters Used to BAN Popcorn (Critically!)—However Here is Why We Can Purchase It Now’. Reader’s Digest, 29 June 2017,

Silverman, Steve. ‘1949 – Theater Popcorn Ban Proposed’. Ineffective Info, 13 June 2022,

Workers, Scroll. ‘Why Popcorn Was Initially Banned in Film Theatres’. Scroll.In, 16 Apr. 2017,

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