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Mountain-size 'planet killer' asteroid will make a detailed strategy to Earth this week — and you'll watch it reside

June 25, 2024

An enormous “planet killer” asteroid will make a really shut strategy to Earth later this week, safely zipping previous our planet at round 58,000 mph (93,000 km/h). The “probably hazardous,” mountain-size object is likely one of the largest area rocks to go near Earth in additional than a century — and you’ll watch the shut encounter reside. 

The asteroid, 2011 UL21, is a near-Earth asteroid, which means its orbit sometimes places it inside 1.3 astronomical models (AU) of the sun — or roughly 1.3 occasions the typical distance between Earth and the solar. It orbits our dwelling star as soon as each three years. Based mostly on previous observations, the area rock is someplace between 1.1 and a pair of.4 miles (1.7 to three.9 kilometers) vast, in response to, which means it is bigger than 99% of identified near-Earth asteroids, in response to the European Space Agency (ESA). 

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