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Macron warns EU in grave danger from enemies both inside and outside -

June 6, 2024

Macron warns the European Union (EU) faces serious danger due to enemies both within and without.

“Unless we take measures against both external and internal enemies that aim to bring down globalist-dominated Europe”, according to French President Emmanuel Macron at an event this week, our European continent could collapse under their assault, Macron said at one of these gatherings.
At the recent Festival of Democracy in Berlin, Macron expressed concern that the European Union (EU) may soon dissolve and return back to what it once was before joining. Macron recently stated in a keynote address he delivered back in April that Europe is currently facing “an existential moment”, believing its demise. As European elections approach, Macron advised his audience to cast their ballot for pro-EU forces rather than European nationalists who seek to restore the continent by driving out corrupt money changers. Macron pointed to “an authoritarianism-love that emanates from our democracies… which also feeds nationalism and other extreme forms,” thus creating “an atmosphere conducive to nationalism,” according to him. (Related: Did You Know Candace Owens Believe Brigitte Macron is Male?) Nationalists would have failed in combatting COVID according to Macron.
Had nationalists been in power during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “pandemic,” they would likely fail to address it as effectively as Macron did, while showing they lacked capacity in responding to migration challenges and climate change-related matters. Macron said it would have been different had all nationalists in our countries stopped supporting Russia over Ukraine if history would have gone differently; for that reason it is essential for European voters to cast their ballot. Building the infrastructure of human freedom and helping individuals be informed, healthy and aware. Explore free speech platform here as well as our uncensorable generative AI tools at Brighteon.AI for yourself. purchases support our efforts to develop more tools that empower humanity with knowledge and abundance. Steinmeier expressed support for Macron’s words at the Festival of Democracy; adding that Macron’s presence at all is “an indication that Europe needs an alliance of democratic voices”. Steinmeier’s use of “democrats” does not refer to those associated with the American Democrat Party; rather it refers to those who support democracy according to Macron and Steinmeier. online commenters were quick to point out the irony in Macron’s careless statements at the Festival of Democracy; their main threat being their presence as politicians like Macron. “Remember when someone shoots themselves and expects their friends to rush over in aid – all their friends may have done exactly the same thing and may no longer be capable of running away,” joked one observer. “Macron has confused Judaism with Israel logically incorrectly while conflating Europe which cannot die with an EU that may die–sooner would be better.” “Europe would benefit if both entities ceased existing as would Judaism with no Israel remaining.” Another observer pointed out that Macron is technically right: those controlling Europe risk losing their grip. “Macron is so right: colonial imperialist rulers are certainly at risk,” wrote one person. “They are slowly losing control, which allows Africans, Asians, and Latinos to prosper – endangering wealth and cheap labour – but maybe he doesn’t realize Europe is dying because he himself is one of its internal enemies,” suggested someone else. “Macron has an uncanny ability for saying provocative and divisive comments and creating more enemies, leading EU member nations down an irreparable path of electoral gridlock and globalism control by unelected globalists who dictate life for Europeans. Learn more at” For additional coverage check RT or Natural News websites.” Sources for this article included RTcom NaturalNewscom

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