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International (non-US) Equities Vs US Equities - Page 138

September 6, 2024

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Joined August 14th 2016 3:22PM. 6253 Members Registered so far.
Re: International (Non-US) Equities Versus U.S. Equities (The “Arguments”) mes Post by Beensabu on Thu September 5, 2024 at 6:38pm.
Comeinvest wrote: |Thu Sep 5, 2024 at 6:06 pm
Other countries such as Germany may also possess gas resources which could be recovered via fracking; however they might fear for land degradation and/or reduced greenhouse gas emission levels as a result of such efforts.

There’s also the earthquake risk. And wastewater – both ground water and surface water can become polluted with contaminants that lead to spills contaminating ground and surface waters; people near sites become sick; farm animals, wild animals, pets etc can fall ill too and die over time… and so forth.

“Life requires inexorable uncertainty; not knowing what comes next.” Ursula LeGuin

Joined March 12th 2012 @ 6:57pm.
Re: International (Non-US) Equities Versus US Equities (The “Arguments”)

Post by comeinvest on September 5, 2024 at 6:49pm |This topic was created on September 5th 2024 with 638+ responses, written by Beensabu in response.
Comeinvest wrote: |Thu Sep 05 2024 6:06 pm
Germany too has gas that could be extracted using fracking techniques but they fear their land may collapse under pressure; not to mention greenhouse gas emission issues.

There’s earthquake risk. And wastewater. Ground and surface waters may become polluted; spills may happen; people living near sites become sick from exposure; wild animals, farm animals and pets all become ill and eventually pass away – among many other possible outcomes.

Just as in America, Germany is densely populated. I don’t know where frackable gas fields might exist in Germany if frackable technology were implemented; even under another administration it might take 50 years of discussion, 35 years of planning, and 35 more for construction (although Russia already supplies extremely cheap natural gas pipelines that make their way via Turkey or other routes via expensive and energy intensive LNG vessels into Germany).

Last edited by comeinvest on Thu Sep 5, 2024 6:59 pm; updated 1 time total. Initially written for Nathan Drake as part of an academic assignment for class 7A: English Lit and Culture at Yale.

Joined April 11th 2011 @12:28 am. Posts: 6586
Re: International Equities Versus US Equities (“Arguments”) [Post ]
Nathan Drake (@NathanDrake2024) wrote on Thu, Sep 5, 2024 at 1:42 pm that Bensabu had taken advantage of her to attempt an attack in which Nathan Drake died of blood loss due to illness (source).
Billy C wrote: In 2020, the United States became a net exporter of oil; since then this trend has steadily increased:[image removed].It’s telling that US stock dominance almost coincides perfectly with their increasing oil production: this could not possibly be mere chance – having secure energy sources without depending on other nations is undoubtedly an enormous advantage to US businesses competing globally.

Oil and gas industry production levels remain below their 2007/2008 peaks adjusted for inflation; while international stocks offer significant opportunities.

Billy made an important point that US fracking had brought down domestic oil prices, benefiting US companies’ bottom lines.

Global competition has resulted in decreased international prices as well.

Attract 20% VOO | 20% VXUS | 20% AVUV | 20% AVDV | 20% AVES to your portfolio today.

Posts: 2961 Joined on Mon, Mar 12, 2012 6:57 pm.
Re: International (non-US) Equities Versus US Equities: Arguments (The “Arguments”);
Post by comeinvest on September 5th 2024 7:54pm.
As of June 2024, natural gas prices in Europe, including Germany, were approximately four times more costly than prices in the United States for natural gas consumption (e.g. $2.51 vs $10.23 Btu as of July 2024 respectively) creating an enormous competitive edge for US companies (… nd-europe/

Some German politicians of the current administration are proposing that production be adjusted and manufacturing plants run according to wind speeds; when winds decrease workers would leave for home earlier. Although slightly off topic; when I hear news like this it often makes me reconsider my international allocation and my strategic decisions.

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