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Greens have called for extra funding of PS50billion per year to 'nurture back the NHS to health' and restore it back into good condition.

June 6, 2024

There’s always time for one more drink! As soon as I hit publish I knew exactly which way it went down… 14 minutes ago: David Sam Francis from PA Media reported the Green Party had asked that any future government invest an extra PS50bn annually into an NHS that has reached “breaking point”, funded through taxes on top earners. They added this investment was needed in order to boost salaries and enhance social care provision while at the same time combat privatisation – they claim outsourced contracts are siphoning off PS1billion from health service each year! “We are the only party who have come clean with the public about how much it will cost to nurse the NHS back into health,” Green Party Co-Leader Adrian Ramsay stated. He went on to add: “After 14 years of underfunding, our NHS is at breaking point.” “With more Greens present in Parliament, we will push the new administration to take necessary actions for rebuilding NHS. “The Green Party will field candidates in every constituency across England and Wales at this year’s 4 July election, though their efforts will focus on four seats they believe to be winnable and hope that those MPs can press their new government into taking steps that restore our NHS.” Four candidates had agreed to stand down due to an investigation being initiated after reports surfaced of antisemitic or extreme comments being made by other contestants; four more are already standing aside after being probed further.” The Scottish Greens is also separate entity which will field candidates only on Scotland’s respective territory.” Mr Vince made these statements shortly before announcing he would increase his funding of Labour to PS5m, prompting Green Party member Richard Ramsay to respond: Labour environmental proposals “don’t go anywhere near far enough”. Keir Starmer had backtracked on climate funding proposals while there has been nothing tangible put forward regarding NHS funding, according to Ramsay who stated, whereas “The Green Party stands ready and willing to address changes which are necessary”.

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