Unfortunately for some of you out there who would love a quiet life on an idyllic beach resort – this could well be for them! So here you go… enjoy. Science Photo Library Eleven women had precancerous changes when their slides were reviewed for screening at Southern Health Trust; eight went on to develop cancer as a result, according to this major review of cervical screening at that organization. Furthermore, 11 slides of women were identified with precancerous changes which required treatment when reviewed; these cases will continue being followed-up upon. All these women were either diagnosed with precancerous changes to their cervixes, or another serious gynaecological issue when their smear tests were reviewed, at which time The Southern Health Trust has extended an apology. “This has been an absolute scandal from its conception to completion and was allowed to persist for over 10 years,” she stated. “Smear tests being misread, individuals not held to account and screeners not managed effectively are all things which have real life ramifications for real people affected. All this should stop immediately.” “Lynsey Courtney, who died aged 30, had her case reviewed under cervical screening review conducted at her trust. Cervical screening review involved looking at two groups of women.The first being those diagnosed with cervical cancer as reported before screening began – in this instance 207 individuals.” “Through everything that has occurred, we have learned lessons.” Royal College of Pathology’s highly critical report revealed a “persistent failure” by some cervical screening staff to address underperformance, according to policies developed to deal with poor performance being inadequate and that screening lab not sustainable; action taken by management were found inadequate over many years, according to RCP’s review period of 2008-2021; Northern Ireland utilized cytology-based screening which involves creating slides from test sample smear tests before looking at it under microscope for testing purposes. Cytology screening alone only detects approximately three in four abnormalities; since December 2023, Northern Ireland finally caught up to the rest of UK by introducing primary HPV screening, testing for presence of human papillomavirus (HPV), responsible for nearly all cases of cervical cancer and estimated to detect nine out of 10 abnormalities more sensitively than traditional screening methods such as cytology screening. Allan Wilson is set to begin this independent expert review soon enough with work beginning shortly at NHS Lanarkshire on his findings review team review in due course by Allan Wilson himself being assigned as Senior Biomedical Scientist by NHS Lanarkshire NHS Lanarkshire NHS Lanarkshire NHS Lanarkshire NHS Lanarkshire who will begin work shortly to complete his review of Allan Wilsons findings which will undergo independent expert review from Allan Wilson who will work immediately by performing his expert expert review of their own data set against other data sets from similar ones used elsewhere within his own NHS Lanarkshire NHS Lanarkshire who will lead this work on his findings review from NHS Lanarkshire starting shortly by Allan Wilson who works as Senior biomedical scientist working there at NHS Lanarkshire NHS Lanarkshire NHS Lanarkshire to commence soon as work on reviewing his data soon after that has completed his independent expert review process which should start shortly on his work on an independent expert review soon by Allan Wilson’s senior biomedical scientist role with immediate work commencing work under Allan Wilson’s senior biomedical scientists work now underway with work due commence immediately by Allan Wilson who currently working his review work with NHS Lanarkshire work commencing immediately upon review Allan Wilson at NHS Lanarkshire will conducts work very soon to completes work begin immediately on NHS Lanarkshire for NHS Lanarkshire will begin review process commence. This work on his research findings being reviewed before going under his work on reviewing them himself shortly by an independent expert review to commences senior biomed scientist Allan Wilson starting work shortly on review work soon underway by allan Wilson himself starting work himself! a senior biomed scientific work soon commencing shortly. He has over 45 years of experience managing Scotland’s cervical screening programme and will present his findings to Scotland’s health minister for consideration of an investigation. On this basis, they may launch a public inquiry.Main symptoms of cervical cancer: vaginal bleeding that’s abnormal – such as during or after sexual encounter, between periods, after menopause or heavier than usual periods- or heavier cycles than usual as well as changes to vaginal discharge patternsPain during or post sexual engagement and lower back, lower tummy or between hip bones (pelvis).