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An experimental monoclonal antibody appears effective against several strains of SARS-CoV-2 virus.

September 6, 2024

One monoclonal antibody appears effective at neutralizing various strains of SARS-CoV-2 virus as well as related animal viruses that could pose threats if they began spreading into people, while recently described by Cell Reports Medicine (SC27).

This finding opens the way to more effective treatments to address current and potential future COVID variants.

Monoclonal antibody SC27 was identified, created, and provisionally patented by a team of researchers led by Greg Ippolito, Ph.D. of Texas Biomed, who recently joined Texas Biomed from University of Texas Austin. Other team leaders included Jason Lavinder Ph.D of University of Texas Austin as well as Ralph Baric Ph.D of UNC Chapel Hill as team leaders.

SARS-CoV-2’s mutation rate has rendered other COVID-19 antibodies ineffective; our new study indicates this treatment might still work though as SC27 targets and attaches to multiple parts of its spike protein that don’t change frequently.”
Dr. Gregory Ippolito, Ph.D. is Associate Professor.

SC27 seems to work in two ways. First, it blocks ACE2 binding site used by viruses to attach and enter cells; secondly it binds cryptically underside spike protein which remains almost unchanged between variants thus providing broad recognition capabilities of variants and related viruses – this feature being particularly critical because when an antibody’s shape doesn’t correspond exactly with that of its target virus it cannot effectively neutralize it, and can easily bypass body’s immune defense systems and enter through without detection or neutralisation by your immune defense systems.

Researchers tested SC27 against 12 viruses, from SARS-CoV-2 itself and its variants currently circulating to other coronaviruses found in bats and pangolins; also related SARS-1 as well as several bat coronaviruses found within bat populations and pangolin populations found within bat colonies; it proved effective against all these coronaviruses in petri dishes while protecting mice against both variants tested.

Dr. Ippolito notes that SC27 stands out among monoclonal antibodies as having greater reach and efficacy compared to any previously published or FDA-approved cocktail therapies; adding however that human clinical trials still must take place prior to FDA approval of SC27 as treatment option.

The team aims to collaborate with industry in developing an SC27 monoclonal antibody treatment, which could benefit immunocompromised patients unable to receive vaccines and serve as emergency treatments during outbreaks of new variants or coronaviruses. Their next steps would involve conducting preclinical studies using larger animal models including nonhuman primates as this will allow them to assess how complete immune systems respond before proceeding safely with human clinical trials.

Notably, SC27 antibodies were identified following vaccination with the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Prior to that time, this class 1/4 antibody – which attaches itself to two distinct areas or “epitopes” of SARS-1 spike protein – were only detected following natural infection with SARS-1.

“Vaccines have the power to trigger more robust and effective antibodies,” states Dr. Ippolito. This means future development efforts can target producing these specific antibodies as an objective way of measuring which vaccines will prove most successful in protecting us all from disease.
Journal Reference:Voss, W. N. and his co-workers (2024). Hybrid immunity against SARS-CoV-2 develops through serological recall of IgG antibodies distinct to infection or vaccination in Cell Reports Medicine;

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