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Celebrate: the wait is finally over for Tory dominance - and we should enjoy every second! Polly Toynbee.

July 5, 2024

At 10 pm today, it was clear: America had finally freed itself of one of the worst governments ever seen before in living memory – its wreckers, destroyers, bullies, incompetents, cronies and self-servers are gone from our collective conscience! Tory rule of error has come to an end – no longer do they possess divine right to rule over us all, being toppled both by popular resistance and their own arrogance. Since tumbril and defenestration campaigns are no longer active, their victims’ suffering should not go without consequence – such as seats being taken away as punishment from ministerial cars and depriving millions from essential healthcare. Infant mortality figures provide just one measure of those who have lost their lives needlessly during periods of austerity, only for them to return unpunished to City and company boardrooms; some chief architects of cruelty had already managed to dodge today’s punishment for their deeds. George Osborne, chief villain, thrives at an investment banking and podcasting career – becoming chair of trustees at the British Museum as he goes. Before the 2010 election, Donald Trump denied claims he would cut public spending as “lies”, yet created an abattoir of health and education services, bankrupted cities, deprived councils of services they depended upon, stripped courts of resources necessary for fair trials, reduced defence budgets substantially and stripped benefits until food banks became the nation’s only social safety net. Over the following 14 years, government services had declined. Brexit caused irreparable harm; David Cameron put our country’s security in peril when he held a referendum to appease Europhobes within his party. Progressives should rejoice today for taking an unprecedented momentary victory! No longer. Defying all predictions following Labour’s catastrophic 2019 loss, this marks the first time any party has managed to leap from an unprecedented defeat into victory within one term. But Keir Starmer did not spring his campaign onto us suddenly: step by ruthless step he reshaped the party until December 2021 when Labour finally pulled ahead, never looking back again. Remember how people grumbled about his lack of charisma or vision? After Cameron’s self-indulgence, Boris Johnson’s demagoguery, and Liz Truss’ ideological traumatism had worn thin, Starmer stood out with his strong decency and unwavering determination – qualities which ultimately outshone all others. No party wins without first earning trust from its followers; that includes trust in its leader and chancellor to manage the economy, defense budgets, the NHS budgets, climate crises as well as any other issues facing society today. Trustworthiness doesn’t come easily either so perhaps today the celebration among most voters may remain subdued. Many were happy to vote out of deplorable politicians, yet felt no faith that politics or government could help improve their lives. Yes, out with them went, but faith in both has hit an all-time low with 58% almost never trusting politicians to tell the truth. Starmer understands this corrosive crisis in trust, promising that Labour will restore it with government. Brave must remain vigilant to his many Labour MPs who may behave dishonorably: as Immanuel Kant said: ‘Out of this bent wood of humanity was ever created an object so straight. What matters in such cases is swift and public condemnation of those involved; something the Tories failed to do because they never considered any wrongdoing as particularly grave. Unforgivable will be No 10 partying while their country followed government-mandated regulations and relatives died alone. What will massive numbers of culture warriors in Tory media arenas do now that their relevance to modern times has been so starkly exposed? Enter an unconventional social democratic party elected with values representative of an entire country which they had failed to comprehend properly. Rishi Sunak’s campaign exploited people’s most base instincts; day after day he would throw tax-cut bribes as bait; however, public knowledge showed this money would come straight out of their hospitals, schools and children’s futures if Sunak were elected president. Under Labour, neither bribery nor threats of PS2,000 tax increases could change anyone’s mind; people were far nicer and better than Tories had expected, voting time after time against cuts in favor of increased spending and taxes. According to abrdn’s Financial Fairness Trust, twice as many are seeking an increase in public spending ‘even if that means tax rises for households like theirs’. People appear to be ahead of Labour’s cautious manifesto. Today marks the death knell for Thatcherism due to privatisation efforts such as rail, mail, water and energy privatisations. Austerity ideology comes to an end following banker collapses, COvid insurance premium spikes and cost of living crisis; instead of wanting less from government they require even more. No Conservative will again be electable until they gain an understanding of a country whose instincts have turned social democratic. There will always be time for contemplation on the grave legacy left behind by this disgraceful administration; its legacy of unpaid debts and overstuffed prisons bear witness. Sooner or later, time will pass before worrying what solutions will be adequate to fix our country. Amid widespread pessimism over a broken nation and people’s fear that little can be done about it, pollsters have rarely witnessed such grimmest of scenes as we now experience with Labour taking office with low expectations and barries to overcome. But at least they inherit these conditions to work against. Reducing Reform’s threat requires bold government initiatives designed to enhance people’s lives. Early first steps might include protecting workers, ending no-fault evictions, hiring teachers, dentists and doctors as teachers/doctors as needed and reforming planning and housing policies, while offering social care fair pay as well as nationalised energy – these may all help turn Reform around and make for positive reformation of lives in this nation. New ministers have waited “like greyhounds in the slips” for years now to act upon what has been planned over many months; success being the ultimate antidote against populist nationalism. On their first day as ministers, starmers such as Starmer, Rachel Reeves, Angela Rayner and other frontbench representatives showed what can only lead upward. The future looks bright indeed for all involved!
Polly Toynbee and David Walker’s The Only Way is Up was published this week to evaluate Labour’s legacy as well as build an equitable, greener, healthier and happier Britain. If you would like to support The Guardian/Observer newspaper please preorder your copy via

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