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Harris may have no trouble spending her own fortune - yet down-ballot Democrats need help from Harris to secure more victories this November.

September 6, 2024

Democrats have showered Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris with money like it’s rain. According to recent filings with the Federal Election Commission, Harris raised $204 million last month alone — nearly four times what former President Donald Trump managed. At the start of August, Harris held over $220 million cash while Trump only had $151 million available in funds. Unfortunately, official fundraising data on August is yet to be made available. Harris may have gained more of an economic edge since last month due to her campaign’s efforts at the Democratic National Convention and their claims of raising $540 Million since President Joe Biden conferred him with nomination. Attracting billions in campaign cash may have helped Harris surpass Donald Trump in raising, while Republican state legislative candidate committees amass more funds than Democratic counterparts. Beginning January 2023 and through the second quarter of this year, the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC), responsible for electing Democratic state lawmakers, raised $35 Million according to reports by its chairman. At this same point, their GOP rival, the Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC), raised $62 million – figures which don’t include fundraising from party-aligned outside groups that focus on state legislative races. Progressive organizations such as The States Project and Forward Majority have in recent years spent large sums to influence state-level elections; it may be that when super PAC contributions are taken into consideration, Republicans lose some of their apparent cash advantage. But conservative outside groups such as Americans for Prosperity Action also invest in down-ballot elections. What we know for sure is that Republicans are outraising Democrats when it comes to statehouse races – an often ignored battle but one with profound implications for everyday Americans’ lives. Harris campaign appears aware of its party’s challenges on down ballot races. This week, it transferred $2.5 million of its own funds to the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, but this did little to reduce RSLC’s cash edge on down-ballot candidates. Only Democratic donors can ensure there’s no advantage to GOP down-ballot campaigns. Given blue America’s current enthusiasm and engagement, this should be achievable; at least provided liberals recognize the high stakes but low costs associated with winning state legislative races. Even small elections can have lasting implications under our federal system as much policy is decided locally. As political ideologies become more divisive, states’ governor and legislature play the dominant role in setting public education spending and housing policies for their respective states. While Democrats and Republicans govern differently across America, policy outcomes differ between states with Democratic or Republican governments. Democrats or Republicans controlling power in any given state can determine whether working-class families have access to affordable health insurance plans; parents receive paid leave; or labor unions can withstand rapid decline. Since the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade, state legislative elections have assumed greater significance across much of the United States; abortion rights depend now more than ever upon outcomes in down-ballot races. All 22 states with abortion restrictions or bans tighter than Roe are run by GOP-dominated legislatures; on the other hand, 16 of those states that have instituted additional abortion protections since Roe are run by Democrats. Arizona narrowly managed to avoid an all-out abortion ban this year thanks to Democratic minorities in both houses of its legislature, particularly after Roe was overturned and Arizona’s 1864 abortion law took effect. Only five Arizona Republican legislators supported repeal of an outdated statue; yet this support was enough for Democrats to pass a law overturning it, since 29 House seats and 14 state senator seats belong to them. Still in effect in Iowa is a ban on abortions after 15 weeks. An November ballot initiative could overturn that law by embedding abortion rights into its constitution and giving voters more choice about when abortion occurs. If that fails, however, Democrats could increase abortion rights legislatively by flipping just a handful of state legislative seats. State legislative races offer tremendous bargains; their stakes can be high but meaningfully impacting them can cost less than imagined. In 2022, Minnesota Democrats gained control of the Minnesota state Senate by winning one seat by just 321 votes; Democratic state Sen. Judy Seeberger made her victory possible while her Republican rival raised more than twice that amount – totaling $123,992. Seeberger’s campaign cost $123,992, while their respective campaigns raised an identical amount – As this race was so close and inexpensive, a dozen small donations might have tipped the balance in Seeberger’s favour and contributed directly to her victory. No matter its cost to donors, these generous donors got tremendous return for their investment. None of these reforms would have passed but for 321 votes — and likely campaign contributions made directly or indirectly by Seeberger — and his election. Further, Seeberger may even have contributed directly or indirectly towards Gov. Snyder becoming elected. Tim Walz’s rise on the Democratic ticket: Thanks to Minnesota’s legislative hubbub, Walz gained national renown as an upstanding progressive who gained Harris’s attention as one of her 2020 candidates. Now is their opportunity for repeat success! In November 2022 they managed to achieve it! Pennsylvania offers Democrats an outside shot of winning an outright majority in both houses of state legislature, thus opening up opportunities to advance liberal reforms across Pennsylvania and nationwide. Democrats now have an opportunity to start recovering power in Wisconsin, where GOP gerrymandering had virtually ensured GOP control of state legislature. Last year, California’s Supreme Court issued an injunction declaring such gerrymandering unconstitutional and mandating new electoral maps featuring roughly equal proportions of Democratic-leaning and Republican-leaning districts. Democrats now stand a good chance of taking control of Wisconsin State Assembly this November and electing an overwhelming Democratic majority to both state senates 2024-2026 elections. Meanwhile in Michigan and Minnesota they fight hard for trifecta victories, hoping to maintain existing trifectas while making incremental policy gains. Democrats’ donors understandably remain fixated on presidential politics as keeping Donald Trump away is undoubtedly high stakes. But adding $20 (or even $2,000) to Harris’ $540 million pile won’t significantly alter American lives any faster than contributing the equivalent amount toward an influential state legislative race – at national scale progress can come at a steep cost. However, in right down-ballot races it sells at a significant discount. Clarification (September 5, 1:15 pm ET): This story originally published September 4 has been revised to clarify that Wisconsin Democrats would likely need strong performances both now and again in 2026 to take full control of state government. Your recent reading at Vox indicates your commitment to helping everyone comprehend our world and take part in shaping it together. We aim to promote global citizenship. Vox Media strives to produce accessible journalism to advance understanding and action, so if this mission speaks to you please become a Vox Member to support its work! Your investment provides Vox with an independent source of funding which underpins its journalism. Please consider becoming part of our community today by joining as an associate member for $10/month or make one-off donations via credit card, Apple Pay and Google Pay or by making any size contribution via our PayPal link! Thank you so much! 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