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Why It Is So Essential To See Sunlight Every Morning

September 6, 2024

However, they often struggle to gain entry. When I moved back home I began the long process of becoming part of society again – by participating in my local church choir! Now in 2018 when it comes time for renewal of life I’ve turned away and opted for my musings over an empty seat in an air conditioned auditorium Before heading off to work or school in the mornings, taking time out for some morning sun can seem more of a luxury than an absolute necessity. Yet getting more early light exposure has numerous health and emotional advantages beyond mood benefits – experts believe morning sunshine helps people sleep better as it prepares them for what lies ahead throughout their days. Here is how it works:The sun provides our daily routine with structure. “In German we call them Zeitgebers (time-givers).” according to Elizabeth “Birdie” Shirtcliff, research professor from Oregon’s Center for Translational Neuroscience Center of Excellence at Oregon. Environmental cues help us establish daily rhythms. Time-givers affect various factors, including cortisol awakening response (the “stress hormone version of your wake-up signal in the morning” according to Shirtcliff). Sunlight can help us wake up, feel alert, and prepare ourselves to face each new day – an effective time-keeper that starts the cortisol awakening response in anticipation of sunrise by increasing during your final stages of sleeping. “Waking up can create an increase in cortisol levels that spike by about 70% within minutes after awakening — creating one of the greatest stressors for our bodies,” according to Shirtcliff. Without that peak in cortisol levels happening naturally each morning, people may remain tired or sleepy all day, she added. Although time-giver cues exist throughout everyday events – from sunshine or meal times, to street noise or when someone knocks at our doors… Time gives our bodies time to prepare themselves for whatever’s coming their way,” according to Shirtcliff. Waking up early and having some sunlight helps your body’s rhythm get ready for what lies ahead in its rhythmic manner. “Daylight exposure sends signals to our brain that cause it to release cortisol while suppressing melatonin,” as reported by Saru Bala, an Arizona-based naturopathic doctor previously to HuffPost. Melatonin is commonly known as the sleep hormone.” Melatonin production peaks during nighttime hours and declines throughout the day – something important for our natural biological rhythm, or circadian rhythm. Dr. Sujay Kansagra from Duke University Medical Center’s pediatric neurology sleep medicine program and Instagram influencer behind @thatsleepdoc Instagram account stressed this role of sunlight on circadian rhythm – it keeps people alert during the day while helping facilitate sleep at nighttime – an effect which depends heavily on sunlight exposure, according to Kansagra. Our circadian rhythm keeps us alert during daytime while helping us wind down before bedtime — something our circadian rhythm does so successfully in terms of keeping people awake during days while aiding sleep at nightfall; lighting plays an integral part in maintaining this cycle — something our circadian rhythm does, said Kansagra — so essential! Our circadian rhythm keeps us alert during daytime and helps facilitates both physically waking us while at night through exposure from sunlight! Our circadian rhythm keeps us alert during wakeful days while aiding sleep at night through sunlight’s aid! Our circadian rhythm keeps us alert during wakeful days while aiding sleep at night thanks to sunlight playing its part! Our circadian rhythm keeps us alert during wakeful days while aiding sleep later at night: sunshine plays its own significant part. Laboratory experiments conducted over time revealed that humans’ natural body clock is longer than 24 hours – approximately 24.1 to 244.2. According to Kansagra. Our bodies naturally run on a 24-hour cycle; otherwise we would tend to sleep later than is ideal. But our circadian rhythm resets every morning when exposed to light; that helps bring forward its timing by “mov[ing it] earlier; so now instead of running on 24.2-hour cycle but now in 24-hour cycle”, Kansagra said. So maximizing morning sun is particularly useful for people with early-morning obligations like work or school; “having early light exposure is very helpful for maintaining an appropriate circadian rhythm”, explained he said. Finding sun in nature is ideal, but having access to natural lighting through windows is equally valuable. Sunlight provides valuable health benefits – both when outdoors and when opening bedroom curtains! Kansagra noted that natural sunlight is unrivaled when it comes to setting one’s circadian rhythm; however, light sources in your office such as morning lighting could still have an impactful influence. “The lighting should still be enough bright enough for it to help reset your circadian rhythm,” according to him. “Not necessarily outside, just brighter.” If you regularly exercise outdoors in the mornings, that works too! “Morning exercise can be very energizing and should definitely be included as part of the morning routine,” according to Shirtcliff. While there’s no definitive formula to determine how much sun exposure one needs, 15-20 minutes outdoors in sunlight per day should suffice, according to Dr. Jawairia Shakil from Houston Methodist Hospital’s endocrinologist team. Shakil suggested that when looking at windows to gain sunshine through, more time may be needed than 30 to reap its full benefits, according to Kansagra. He advised aiming to receive at least some sunlight as soon as you awake. “There’s some data showing seasonal depression can occur when there’s less sunlight and people stop moving outside as often. Early morning sun can counter this,” Shakil suggested. Please support HuffPost by contributing at any level – even $2 can go a long way toward helping us provide high quality journalism that puts people first! Can’t afford a contribution right now? Donate any amount you can here: and we’d still welcome the support! Can’t afford that contribution right now? Donate here:https://supporthuffpoststartup/supportfreeJournalism Create an HuffPost free account today and log-in while reading! Thank you for supporting HuffPost through past donations – your efforts make our work possible! 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