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Treasury Direct's Eternal Wait and No Way To Track Transfer, Pages 2-3

September 6, 2024

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Thought-baffling facts threaten the mind.

Posts: 208 Created on May 3rd 2024 8:05am.
Re: Treasury Direct – Long Wait With No Way To Track TransferWanted to know why does my transfer take an eternity and no tracking option are provided? Submitted.
Bogles the Mind wrote on August 11, 2024 at 6:58 pm: [Bogles wrote dbr said this] on Sunday August 11th 2024 6th 34pm [The day] would end up at 6.34pm]. (dbr wrote this sentence with more accurate timing:|Sun August 11, 2024 6th 28 pm |Bogles the mind wrote this entry with corrected time)
Would purchasing Treasurys with Vanguard make any difference to my portfolio?

Of course, buying on the secondary market involves transacting at Vanguard rather than Treasury Direct since you do not yet have an account there. But please remember, I bonds can only be held through Treasury Direct; Vanguard cannot currently offer them as options. Nonetheless, this thread discusses both EE and I bonds available via Treasury Direct.

I didn’t realize purchasing new issues at Vanguard would constitute purchasing them on the secondary market.


Joined July 31, 2017 10:00pm. Total Posts 183
Re: Treasury Direct’s Unpredictable Wait and No Way To Track Transfer The Eternal Wait is in Place With No Easy Track Method Available — Post
By PA_Boglehead at 7:02pm.
Would Vanguard buying of Treasurys make any difference to my situation?

Of course, when buying on the secondary market, transactions take place through Vanguard instead of Treasury Direct; since you do not already have an account there. But do take note that I bonds must be held by Treasury Direct only; Vanguard cannot offer these. Ideally this thread should cover some EE or I bonds only!

I didn’t realize purchasing new issues at Vanguard was considered part of the secondary market.

Not true – Vanguard provides access to Treasuries at both auction and secondary market levels; I-Bonds and EE-Bonds however can only be acquired and held at TreasuryDirect and are therefore non marketable securities in terms of secondary market liquidity.

Joined March 4, 2007 8:50 am. Total Posts are 47300
Re: Treasury Direct – Long Wait and No Way to Track Transfer… [Mon Aug 12 2024 7:50 am]
Would Purchasing Treasury Notes through Vanguard Make Any Difference? Initially these three questions seemed irrelevant until DBR wrote in and shared his insight: (Mon, Aug 11 2024 7:00 am (EST).) and DBH proposed: (6, 34, 28 Aug 2024) as potential solutions: (6: 59), (7. 34 am EST and 6: 28 pm, respectively… (sources of content are listed at bottom).

Assuming you buy on the secondary market via Vanguard rather than Treasury Direct (you do not already have an account there), please note that I bonds may only be held there and cannot be obtained via Vanguard; this thread deals with both types of bonds (EE and I bonds).

I didn’t realize buying new issues at Vanguard is considered part of the secondary market.

No one could dispute what I said; you understand my meaning perfectly well. In essence, the original post addressed EE and I bonds, with those looking for them needing TD to secure them; many individuals accept this approach, yet in this thread some individuals do not approve.

Mind boggling statistics that could put anyone to sleep are also provided below.

Joined May 3, 2024 8:05 am (PT). 208 Posts to date!
Re: Treasury Direct’s Eternal Wait and Lack of Way to Track Transfer for Progress Update and Settlement Proceeding,
Bogles the Mind wrote on August 11th at 6:28 pm; according to DBR (Developers Blog Reporter). Dbr then noted this post by Bogles the Mind on Monday August 12, 2024 at 7:55 am by commenting with: […]On Sunday 11th at 6.59pm when discussing Sun 11th 2024 634pm it said this dbr wrote the following….
Would buying Treasurys through Vanguard make any difference to me?

Of course, buying on the secondary market means transacting at Vanguard instead of Treasury Direct since there’s no account there yet. Please keep in mind though, I bonds can only be held with Treasury Direct; Vanguard may or may not offer them. In any event, this thread primarily deals with some EE/I bonds that might be of interest.

I didn’t realize buying new issues at Vanguard would constitute purchasing secondary market issues.

No offense taken but hopefully you understand my point: the OP discussed EE and I bonds and those seeking them face the dilemma that their only option for holding these is with TD Bank; many may accept that arrangement but this thread addresses cases when someone doesn’t feel contented with that choice.

No matter the terminology used, my question is that delays experienced by the OP are no longer an issue if treasuries purchased through Vanguard instead of TD are purchased; I understand EE and I bonds can only be bought at TD; what would happen if, after purchasing 30 year bonds through Vanguard myself and I pass away, my beneficiaries find difficulty receiving their investments?

Webbie90 and The Webbies were just announced for development!

Join Date and Post count are as follows. 83 Active Threads Created Since March 23rd 10:52 am.
Re: Treasury Direct – Long Wait Time and No Way To Track Transfer To/ From Treasury
Arctic Fox wrote on August 9th 2024 at 6:27pm

What I learned from this experience was not to underestimate how stressful and taxing it is dealing with the death of a family member while simultaneously trying to settle his estate so you can move forward financially.

My wife eventually received the TIPS bond that she inherited from her father after 9 months of dealing with TD, adding more stress while simultaneously grieving. Notably, this involved spending multiple hours on the phone with them as well as sending in multiple certified copies of death certificate to be processed (they lost one) so she needed to resend a copy later.

Henning Stutzguy of Missouri.

Joined September 7, 2014 9:27 am (CST). 57 Members have Joined.
Re: Treasury Direct’s Eternal Wait with No Way To Track Transfer [StuyGuy] on Thu August 15, 2024 4:32pm.
Eternal wait is true: after being informed by Social Security of my brother-in-law’s recent death and freezing account with them, TD advised transferring his holdings over to my wife’s TD account (POD) would require at minimum 12 months using form 5511 with copy of death certificate attached; signature guarantee could possibly be provided by my credit union; however fortunately I already have screenshots showing their holdings available online as proof. They did pick up my call immediately but for such requests.

Joined February 27, 2010 2:57 PM by beyou. If possible make it there
Treasury Direct – Eternal Wait and No Way To Track Transfer | Beyou
No matter the terminology used to purchase Treasuries through Vanguard instead of TD would their delays not become an issue? I realize EE and I bonds can only be purchased at TD; but what would happen if, after my death, my beneficiaries find difficulty moving my bonds?

This thread describes delays related to Treasury Direct accounts.
Has nothing to do with the type of security held. Therefore, holding Treasuries at most brokers does not affect transfer procedures for them to beneficiaries – regardless of if that brokerage holds Treasuries, stocks, mutual funds etc, their account holds all those securities which need transferring over. In terms of Treasury bonds, bills and TIPS holding options there’s really no point holding these through Treasury Direct given their poor customer service experience compared to any of their rivals (even Vanguard! ).

Your mind boggles at every possible turn

Joined May 3, 2024. 208 Posts Created Since.
Re: Treasury Direct – Long Wait and No Way To Track Transfer Went Without Notice,
Begale’s mind bogles. On August 15, 2024 at 7:08 PM (EST), beyou posted: [Thu Aug 15, 2024 6:54 pm. ].
No matter the terminology used, my question is this: are delays experienced by the OP if treasuries purchased through Vanguard are purchased rather than TD? EE and I products can only be obtained at TD; what would happen if my 30-year bond purchase from Vanguard expired after my death and needed to be transferred over?

This thread describes delays related to accounts at Treasury Direct.
Holdings do not correlate directly to type of security held.
So a Treasury bond could be held at most brokers; what matters is which broker handles its procedures for transferring any securities held to beneficiaries; not whether that brokerage holds Treasuries, stocks, mutual funds etc – their ACCOUNT will transfer these holdings instead. When holding Treasury bills and TIPS there’s really no excuse not buying elsewhere because Treasury Direct’s services make Vanguard look faster!

Excellent work by Stan. Thanks you very much.

Joined September 7, 2014 @ 9:27 pm. 57 Posts. Join Date. September 07, 2014.
Re: Treasury Direct – Eternal Wait and No Way To Track Transfer

Post by stuyguy on Thu September 5, 2024 at 5:27pm.
stuyguy wrote:
Eternal wait indeed. After being informed (by SocSec?) of my brother-in-law’s recent death and freezing account by TD Bank, transfer would take at LEAST 12 months (using form 5511 with copy of death certificate included); my credit union provides signature guarantees but would require me to provide death certificate/statements (thankfully I have screenshots for each holdings account to satisfy this request; their phone was answered almost instantly though for this type of request).

Recently I contacted my US House Rep regarding TreasuryDirect processing times; their office advised they’d contact TD on my behalf and today received notification that T-bills have been transferred directly into my wife’s account! Kudos to all members of his/her staff!

Posts: 7457 JIA Join Date/Time/Place (If Possible ) = February 27th 2010 2pm and 17th March 10am for our event @ If it Can Fit in.
Treasury Direct – Eternal Wait and No Way To Track Transfer >> Post by beyou on September 5, 2024 2am | @Stuyguy
“Eternal wait is right”, wrote stuyguy in 2024 at 4:32 PM. TD was informed (by SocSec?) of my brother-in-law’s recent death and promptly frozen their account, suggesting the transfer process take 12 months or longer; use Form 5511 with proof of death certificate as needed and include copy. My credit union provides signature guarantee with Form 5511. They did pick up my call immediately however for such requests!

Recently I reached out to my US House Rep about Treasury Direct processing time; their staff quickly said they’d contact TD; now, today I got notification that my T-bills have been transferred into my wife’s account! Thanks so much to both Representative’s staffs!

Brilliant that you could achieve this. However, calling our Representative every time an issue arose or closing an account early would create too much work for TD to staff properly for. I liquidated 3/4 of my savings bonds over two tax years with more to be sold off next tax year (some already sold though and a handful left). All E bonds that double every 20 years remain for now; all remaining I bonds will also go next tax year).

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