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Hogan's daughters proudly tout him as their "girl dad", while also advocating reproductive rights.

September 5, 2024

On Thursday, former Maryland Governor Larry Hogan released two campaign ads intended to combat any negative criticism directed against his reproductive rights stance and featuring three daughters and four granddaughters as models for these ads. “Larry Hogan became our father after marrying my mom, earning our trust as they raised three strong, independent women he raised to their adulthood – yet some are attacking him as anti-women,” Jaymi Sterling – Hogan’s daughter said in her new ad entitled ‘Trust.” “He champions choice by reinstating Roe in every state,” stated Sterling. As “pop-pop to four granddaughters”, you know you can trust him as well.” Hogan’s ads appear just days after Democratic women who support abortion rights announced they’d pour $2.2 million into Hogan’s election on Thursday; attack ads against Hogan’s position were released into circulation shortly afterwards. Democrats are leaning on abortion rights as an avenue to overcome Hogan’s personal popularity in Maryland’s deep-blue Senate race, which typically doesn’t produce competitive races. Hogan’s new ads showcase women from his family defending his reproductive rights positions — an approach adopted by numerous Republican candidates since Dobbs took office, often depending on these relatives to win over skeptical women voters. “Girl Dad”, Hogan’s second 30-second spot, highlights his record on providing access to contraceptives and equal pay as governor during his eight million media buy that will air across cable, broadcast and digital platforms across Maryland. As Maryland governor in 2022, Hogan rejected legislation which would expand abortion access by dismantling restrictions limiting physician provision of abortion services. Hogan eventually withheld $3.5 million slated for training nonphysicians to provide abortions after his veto was overridden. Women Vote!, an affiliate of EMILY’s List’s super PAC, highlighted his veto of legislation as part of an advertisement run by Women Vote!. As Hogan spokesperson Blake Kernen explained to Women Vote!, this legislation threatened to lower Maryland women’s standard of care while having nothing to do with accessing abortion services. “Hogan, who served two terms as governor, will face off this fall against Democratic Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks for Maryland’s Senate seat election. Gonzales Research conducted its poll from August 24–30 and shows Alsobrooks just ahead of Hogan within the margin of error, with 46% supporting him, 41% Hogan and 11% undecided voters; still some Democrats fear Hogan’s candidacy as it has given rise to potential fears that they might lose control over this seat within California. Hogan has been subjected to significant efforts from Alsobrooks and outside groups attempting to link him more directly with the Republican Party, specifically on abortion-related matters. Andrew Harnik/ Getty Images file Hogan has frequently responded to attacks against his abortion record by stressing to NBC News in May that he will never support an outright national ban of abortions. Hogan has recently made waves by labeling himself a pro-choice candidate and pledged to restore Roe v Wade should he win election. Hogan left office as governor with one of the highest approval ratings and sought to disengage himself from former President Donald Trump and national Republicans. “He can try all he wants, but the evidence speaks for itself: The way in which he exercises power while serving is telling. Mitch McConnell recruited him because his record against abortion would give them control of the Senate majority – as is evident by Mitch’s recruiting him for his campaign. He vetoed legislation which would have provided access to abortion services and denied crucial funding for provider training – so therein lies the truth.” “Democrats have made abortion central to their messaging since the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade,” Aquino told NBC News. GOP ads have increasingly featured wives or other female family members supporting candidates. Montana GOP Senate candidate Tim Sheehy released an ad this July that featured his wife Carmen Sheehy and explained their romance story. Nevada GOP Senate nominee Sam Brown’s wife Amy Brown has been at the center of his campaign. In an NBC News interview, Amy opened up about her abortion experience; Sam acknowledged it helped show him the need to lead with compassion as politicians must demonstrate empathy towards vulnerable constituents. Last election cycle, male Republicans running in Ohio, Arizona and Nevada all included images of their wives in advertisements aimed at female voters in campaigns which suggested difficulty recruiting newcomers into the party. Colorado Republican Senate nominee Joe O’Dea released an advertisement with his daughter touting his support of abortion access during the first five months of gestation in 2022, another step Hogan took in order to deflect attacks by Democrats from around this topic since entering his race last year. Abortion has become a rallying point for Democratic voters across swing states who see abortion access as crucial when voting this fall according to an NYT/Siena College Poll released earlier in August.

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